FECYT Calls:
- Project name (spanish): Ciencia, tecnología y creatividad al servicio de un objetivo: transformar la escuela Carme Auguet en una magnet school
- Project reference: FCT-14-8678
- Duration: 01/09 /2014 – 31/12/ 2015
- Budget: 15K €
- Project name (spanish): El método científico-tecnológico y la colaboración entre universidad y escuela como motor para transformar una escuela en una magnet school. El Proyecto piloto de la Escuela Carme Auguet de Girona
- Project reference: FCT-13-7861
- Duration: 01/09/2013 a 30/08/2014
- Budget: 15K €
- Project name (spanish): El Método Científico-Tecnológico como motor de transformación de la Educación Primaria. Proyecto Piloto con la Escuela Carme Auguet
- Project reference: FCT-12-5674
- Duration: 01/09/2012 a 30/08/2013
- Budget: 15K €
This is a project that received funding from the FECYT (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología), and which involved 4 research groups from the University of Girona. The initiative put Science, Technology and Creativity at the service of an objective: to turn a public school in an area with a high risk of social exclusion (the Carme Auguet School) into a magnet school specializing in Science and Technology.
The project, which began in 2013, was a global, cross-disciplinary proposal involving four teams of UdG researchers and the school’s teaching staff.
The project aimed to show that science and technology are necessary for the construction of learning, knowledge and attitudes; that they encourage the incorporation of students into a modern and changing society; and that they can promote scientific vocations to continue education in higher stages and expand expectations to avoid social exclusion.
Likewise, it also aimed to train teachers and make the school a referent for other schools that want to start a similar process.